Volunteer To Pick Up a Prisoner

Meeting at the Door is a free faith-based service that picks up a prisoner from any Pennsylvania State Prison the day he or she is released.  Meeting at the Door provides transportation, civilian clothing, and the reentrants first non-prison meal. Further support may include connecting the returning citizen to other resources such as a government cellphone and government cash assistance, housing, employment, mental health and substance abuse, and other social services as needed. 

Are you willing and able to pick up a Pennsylvania state prisoner when they are released and reenters society?  If so, please fill out our Volunteer Form below. To Learn More about Meeting at the Door click hereTo have a volunteer speak to your church or organization via Zoom about Meeting at the Door, let us know by clicking here. To listen to our podcast, visit our YouTube channel, by visiting here.

Pastor William Jones (R) hangs out with Brandon soon after picking him up at SCI Chester.

MATD Partnership Volunteer Form
