prisoner intake form
Meeting at the Door is a free faith-based service that picks up a prisoner from any Pennsylvania State Prison the day he or she is released. Meeting at the Door provides transportation, civilian clothing, and the reentrants first non-prison meal. Further support may include connecting the returning citizen to other resources such as a government cellphone and government cash assistance, housing, employment, mental health and substance abuse, and other social services as needed.
Download and send this Prisoner Intake Form to the incarcerated person who is interested in the Meeting at the Door service. This form should be filled out only by the incarcerated person and should be mailed to YPM 3 to 6 months before his or her anticipated release date.

The United States Department of Jutice tells us that over 10,000 prisoners are released into our communities every week of the year. They also tell us that up to 2/3rd of them return to prsion within three years. We can do better than that!