Meeting at the Door is a free Christian-Based service provided by Yokefellowship Prison Ministry.   Meeting at the Door is when volunteers meet a prisoner at a Pennsylvania State Prison when they are released back to society.  When this happens, the former prisoner becomes a returning citizen.  This public safety initiative aims to help the formerly incarcerated become law-abiding and successful neighbors in the communities they return to.

The ideal Meeting at the Door relationship begins three to six months before the incarcerated persons’ anticipated release date and continues after they become returning citizens.  This process can be simple, or it can be complex depending on the needs of the individual. A typical Meeting at the Door encounter begins with transportation, civilian clothing, a non-prison meal and the connection to other government and social services as needed.

If you, your organization, or church is interested in partnering with Meeting at the Door and willing to pick up prisoners when they are released from a Pennsylvania State Prison, please let us know by visiting here.  To Learn More about Meeting at the Door click here for our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s).To have a volunteer speak at your church or organization about Meeting at the Door, let us know by clicking here.

To listen to our podcast, visit our YouTube channel, by visiting here.

Sam Whitehouse (R) a YPM Meeting at the Door partner from St. Theresa Calcutta Prison Ministry poses with Juan (L) at breakfast at the Collegeville Diner after being picked up from SCI Mahanoy on August 11, 2022.
